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Select Writing

published by Lampo
28 pages, 5 x 8 inches, risograph print
Edition of 150
May 2024

Repetition Without Replication: on crafting the sonority for Taylor Deupree’s TEMPER
Greyfade FOLIO 002
Edition of 100
May 2024

Spazio, tempo, superficie, prospettiva
translation into Italian by Pascal Griener
Reflections on Sivan Eldar’s installation Papier Sonore, Pigments Vivants
Museum of Art and History Neuchâtel, Exhibition Book Sur Papier


‘There’s Something as the Air’, in conversation with Weston Olencki
The Foam We Removed from the Office
December 2023


Review for TEMPO, Cambridge University Press
Richard Craig’s Vale, featuring compositions by
Johnson, Järnegaard, Fitch, Barrett, Croft, Pauset.
September 2017